【Black MIDI】the Grimoire of Alice [113k Notes]

【Black MIDI】the Grimoire of Alice [113k Notes]

注意:採譜めっちゃ適当☆MIDI情報☆■曲名■ - the Grimoire of Alice / ZUN (東方怪綺談)■黒化■ - 胡桃すず■音符■ - 113469■長さ■ - 2分27秒■音色■ - Dimension Keys 1.0 / 304.1MB☆クレジット表記☆▽Keppy's Note CounterThe counter has been created with Keppy's Note Counter.Download it from here: https://github.com/KaleidonKep99/KeppyCounterGenerator/releases ▽Ultralight MIDI Player超軽量MIDIプレイヤー (Ultralight MIDI Player)Copyright 2017 PipiraMine: https://twitter.com/PipiraMine ▽FrozTrail 2.1FrozTrail by Frozen Snow.[VEV: 3.1] (Video Re-Edited)
