【Kalei-DO!】Crazy Party Night - ぱんぷきんの逆襲~を踊ってみた

【Kalei-DO!】Crazy Party Night - ぱんぷきんの逆襲~を踊ってみた

Hello world from Chile ~~ Ψ (☆ w ☆) ΨWe made a special video, because it is fair and necessary and because Halloween deserves that we return to work even with all the academic load ◥ (ฅ º ₩ º ฅ) ◤As always we hope you enjoy it a lot. We had a lot of fun decorating (ノ ◕ ヮ ◕) ノ *: · ゚ ✧Happy Halloween (゜ Д ゜;)Coreography: てぃ☆インMusic: kyary pamyu pamyu
