ジョジョの奇妙な冒険DU 英語吹替版 第13話 The Japanese sure know how to make a cup of joe

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険DU 英語吹替版 第13話 The Japanese sure know how to make a cup of joe

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険DU 英語吹替版 第13話 The Japanese sure know how to make a cup of joe画像は字幕版,音声は吹替版です.承太郎:Matthew Mercer音石:Andrew Russell億泰:Jalen K. Cassell康一:Zach Aguilar仗助:Billy Kametzジョセフ:Richard EpcarThere are various theories about the reason why coffee is called "a cup of joe"* a shortening of "cup of jamoke", from java + mocha* a use of joe (“fellow, guy”), signifying that coffee was the drink of the common man* G. Washington Coffee Refining Company (founded in 1910) as a "cup of George"ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 英語吹替版 1 mylist/53431584 2 mylist/60008205 アニメ 英語吹替版 mylist/59702387 うpした動画 1 mylist/45235464 2 mylist/56214846 3 mylist/60873351
