

sm6609407 sm6928368 vimeo.com/24313168 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/s4aeyawppb2aq/ 双肩の蝶不同人的感觉阈限不同; 请用相应软件按需调整;People may have different sensory thresholds; Welcome to edit these by self;我们想用自由软件但‹Win32›无法运行‹Kdenlive›;We want to use free software but Kdenlive can't run on Win32;真的需要一场类似自由软件运动的运动;A movement similar to free software movement is needed;如果可能、 请创作者们公开你们的作品的工程文件;Producers please release the project files of your works if possible;这对于二次创作者们很重要;It is really important for derivatives creators;禁止向没有任何原作者投稿的商业网站转载这视频;¿当且仅当获得原作者的许可时例外¡¿我们假设没谁会蠢到把‹BILIBILI›当成非盈利网站¡Don't reprint this video to any commercial website where none of the original producers have released any product;¿Ignore this iff you have got permission from any original producer¡¿We suppose no one will be stupid enough to regard BILIBILI as non-profit website¡
