《#4:You idiot》@CYBER DIVA & Fukase "Mobile VOCALOID Editor+GarageBand with 荒野行動

《#4:You idiot》@CYBER DIVA & Fukase

VOCALOID original song★☆★☆こんばんわですやっとこ新作が出来ましたー♪\(^o^)/ニコニコ動画では第4弾になります♫今作はいつものcyber divaさんに加えてFukaseさんに歌ってもらってますa night that seems to last forever my heart is not brightplease tell me the reason and  l just want to convince  always seems it is crap and…hold me tight so you can't?I wish stay with menor it has passed one hundred years after the end of WARuntil then it has been at odds several thousand yearsa night that seems to last forever my heart is not brightmaybe because I'm the cheekybut you know crap back when you are unreasonably attackhold me tight so you can't?I wish stay with menor it has passed one hundred years after the end of WARuntil then it has been at odds several thousand yearsどうぞご視聴よろしくお願い致します(ΦωΦ)iPhone のみで全て作詞作曲・動画・編集しております Twitter @Akkyiha
