【mad】【ヒメヒナ】in the end

【mad】【ヒメヒナ】in the end

I am one of Chinese "joji民".I'm really sorry that I don't know Janpanese.I hope that someone can help me to translate my words.I'm sorry that the theme is wrong compared with "クソ神祭",but I want to try.It's my first time to try on "niconicno". Hope you guys will likes this. I like himehina sooooooo much!那啥,剧情可能比较隐晦,比较难看懂。这个题材的素材有点少。还请参照视频开始的那句话进行想象,把hime当作鸣人,hina当作佐助。如果愿意多看一两次,应该能想象更多吧。请大家多多支持。BGM:Tommee Profitt/Jung Youth/Fleurie - In the End剪辑素材:HH-lemon,mmd-hhfighting关于mmd-hhfighting的相关信息:动作/镜头数据:Lct火红枣-av45843306(附:我做了细小调整)双刀:也是Lct火红枣,但不确定具体是不是该出处,pmx信息是无。冰剑/盾:睡犬himehina模型:田中工務店场景:天穹市-米哈游科技(细节优化:时の雨)
