I WON'T LET YOU HOLD ME DOWN!---Aiko was the UTAU that introduced me to the idea you could even try to do English in the editor, and since that's been a major force for all of my work in UTAU since, I felt like I really had to do something for her 10th! Beyond that, I just really wanted to because Aiko is great and it was really fun trying to make something to fit her voice!I hope you like it too!Song: SORE LOSERMusic+Lyrics+PV+Art: celestraiVocals: Aiko Kikyuune ROCKLOUD CVVC English https://studiovoxyz.com/voicebanks/kikyuunes/kikyuune-aiko/UTAU: MystSaphyr/StudioVOXYZ https://www.youtube.com/studiovoxyzOff Vocal + VSQ + Vocal MIDI: by request
