【星屑ゆずこ】紅蓮華 (TV Size) 【カバー】

【星屑ゆずこ】紅蓮華 (TV Size) 【カバー】

Cover of the song 紅蓮華 from the anime 鬼滅の刃/Kimetsu no Yaiba. We have also started a Patreon for the group/owner so please do check it out. This cover uses Yuzuko's new voicebank with the current build/engine of DeepVocal released to the public with minor vowel transition fixes. We are also willing to include extras so please do keep in touch with our progress. Song: 紅蓮華 /Gurenge feat LiSAAnime: 鬼滅の刃/Kimetsu no YaibaVocalist: Yuzuko Hoshikuzu (DeepVocal VB.)DV/Tuning/Mixing: Me
