(歌ってみた) 海の幽霊 by 米津玄師

(歌ってみた) 海の幽霊 by 米津玄師

かんじよめないのでコメントはひらがな・カタカナでおねがいします! ^_^ My YouTube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLjorXPSawWx42v98gBDdg/featured おうえんしてください!~*~ Credits ~*~Song name: Umi no Yuurei (海の幽霊)Original singer: Yonezu Kenshi (米津玄師)Anime: Kaijuu no Kodomo (海獣の子供), Children of the SeaInstrumental from * Tomoare: https://youtu.be/yLD75FLxzgcArt by なっちゃん: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=75174783All vocals by me!!!~*~ Disclaimer ~*~I own nothing but my voice!Please credit respective owners of the song, music, art, as well as me for my cover if reposting :)
