ジョジョの奇妙な冒険GW 英語吹替版 第02話 He was paying his respects not to a lowly child but to his fellow man

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険GW 英語吹替版 第02話 He was paying his respects not to a lowly child but to his fellow man

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険GW 英語吹替版 第02話 He was paying his respects not to a lowly child but to his fellow man画像は字幕版,音声は吹替版です.男X:Armen Taylorジョルノ(少年):Janice Hiromi Kawaye (credited as "Janice Roman Roku")ナレーション:David Vincentジョルノの父親:D. W. McCannジョジョの奇妙な冒険 英語吹替版 1  mylist/53431584  2  mylist/60008205 アニメ 英語吹替版 1  mylist/59702387  2  mylist/64553448 うpした動画 1  mylist/45235464  2  mylist/56214846  3  mylist/60873351 4 mylist/65521382
