【手書きファイアーエムブレムif】アイネクライネ (旧物)

【手書きファイアーエムブレムif】アイネクライネ (旧物)

So, this thing is gone on Youtube because of the reason Coppa, fortunately I still got it somehow saved, and don't need to redo the whole thing (or should I?). Of course it looks different from the things I do now, since I made this like three years ago with just Windows Movie Maker and Paint lmao. (for the artworks you can go here https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/58377290 )Time sure has changed, and we have grown. Hmm, would anyone made one on 3H I wonder?Oh and, in the international version, there are quite a lot of characters being renamed, but just so happens Marx is the only one at here, which he is called Xander. Hmm... It's still pretty weird to me.Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EKxzId_Sj4sung by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aDHsn48aoY
