The Orange Box のサウンドトラック

The Orange Box のサウンドトラック

The Orange Box のサウンドトラックです。1,still alive (0:03) 2,Team Fortress 2 (3:01) 3,playing with danger (4:16) 4,rocket jump waltz (8:23) 5,disrupted original (9:06) 6,abandoned in place (10:28) 7,combine advisory (13:21) 8,last legs (15:10) 9,guard down (17:21) 10,sector sweep (19:05) 11,dark interval (21:56) 12,vortal combat (23:35) 13,subject name here (26:54) 14,self esteem fund (28:40) 15,4000 degrees kelvin (32:03) 16,stop what you are doing (33:08) 17,you`re not a good person (37:10) 18,you can`t escape you know (38:35) 19,still alive j.c mix (44:54) mylist/6131947