こんにちは, センドーマです!~ (。-ω-)ノI'm very excited to finally release WOTA's "Beta Wave" voicebank! It's a soft and lethargic voice type that is ideal for multiple music genres. WOTA also has an alternate outfit design, as shown in the video and on her website below.I hope you enjoy this cover, this one was a little tricky to mix!原曲:ATOLS( sm18579564 )ust: EchoBlossom様歌:WOTAβ (ヲタ • ベータ • ウェーヴ)DLサイト: https://sleepless-entity.wixsite.com/utauMP3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12ehcSwWPkh_jWlaCs_DgN8YTmyoW0tdC 支持とコメントをいつもありがとうございます。(/^▽^)/
