【湯鬱声からす】 CORVOPHILIA 【UTAUオリジナル曲】

【湯鬱声からす】 CORVOPHILIA 【UTAUオリジナル曲】

"Let me tell you a little story, about a cat and a raven..."~~~~~~~~MP3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11No3bQofLaYeiiBCxPTtpuy2g7jGirXiYoutube: https://youtu.be/KYPifY7q-cg~~~~~~~~Wow. This song has a lot going for itself, doesn't it? It's my first time using VCCV English, my second original song ever, and... just... overall a personal liberation. Making this song has helped me realize that I should be able to like and indulge in certain things without fear or shame. And, quite frankly, since I'm minding my own business, I'm not hurting anybody, now am I?That doesn't mean I can change how things once were though, even if I wish I could. I was harmful in the past, I really regret it, and what really matters is that I'm a different and better person now than I was then.This song is half-reflection, half-callout, because let's be real, you don't invite an autistic & socially anxious person to a skype call just to attempt ganging up on and freaking them out for fun...
