ジョジョの奇妙な冒険GW 英語吹替版 Ray Chase (VA of Bruno Bucciarati) Interview

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険GW 英語吹替版 Ray Chase (VA of Bruno Bucciarati) Interview

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険GW 英語吹替版 Ray Chase (VA of Bruno Bucciarati) Interview下記の元動画(16:36)を一部カットして12:50に編集したものYouTube転載 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O-v1SJ7gvk#00:52 How did it feel to get the role of BRUNO BUCCIARATI#01:45 (Let's talk about Stand name)#02:19 (Thought about Giorno's hair)#02:32 Who in Jojo's Part 5 has the most delicious hair?#02:57 How is it like growing up and being a fan to working on these projects?#03:54 (Let's recap)#04:38 How do you prepare for characters' screams?#05:19 If you could choose the ending song of Jojo Part 5, what would it be?#06:29 You voice Noctis in FFXV! How did that come about?#07:17 It's been 3 years since FFXV How did that game impact your career / life?#08:33 How do you create voices for new characters?#09:19 YOU WERE IN PERSONA 5?! WAIT... WHAT?#09:58 Funniest voice direction?#11:05 What does voice acting mean to you?ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 英語吹替版 1 mylist/53431584 2 mylist/60008205 3 mylist/67625658 アニメ 英語吹替版 1 mylist/59702387 2 mylist/64553448 うpした動画 1 mylist/45235464 2 mylist/56214846 3 mylist/60873351 4 mylist/65521382
