「HS.J」おおかみは赤ずきんに恋をした踊ってみた The wolf that fell in love with little red riding hood

「HS.J」おおかみは赤ずきんに恋をした踊ってみた The wolf that fell in love with little red riding hood

こちらは6年前の振り付けです!芝健様とらいき様かっこいい(*´▽`*)大ファン!!!【使用音源様】 sm18528895 【振付】 sm24785001 Hello it is us again! Here is one of our more recent videos taken in February 2020. We will be posting our old videos as we are unable to dance outdoors now due to the situation :( but for now, HS.J will be building our niconico channel and we hope you guys will enjoy the dance covers produced by us! よろしくお願いします!!!
