【Vocaloid / original】Promise Me Not To Die (長生きしなきゃ駄目だよ)

【Vocaloid / original】Promise Me Not To Die (長生きしなきゃ駄目だよ)

使用Vocaloid // Amy, Cyber Songman, YohioloidPromise Me Not To Die(長生きしなきゃ駄目だよ)Promise me not to diePromise me not to dienot to kill yourself againYou know you've got to live longer than meI'm just waiting for your message to come againI can't think about anything but you my friend長生きしなきゃ駄目だよ幸せにならなくちゃねPromise me not to diePromise me not to dienot to kill yourself againYou know you've got to live in happinessI just want to touch your dress flying like a waveYou look very nice so embrace yourself my friend長生きしなきゃ駄目だよ幸せに暮らすんだよ
