ZDC S DBZ IDBD ドラゴンボールZ 偉大なるドラゴンボール伝説 Battle 7 Z Score 100

ZDC S DBZ IDBD ドラゴンボールZ 偉大なるドラゴンボール伝説 Battle 7 Z Score 100

For all my uploads, please check my LBRY Channel.Quite hard as you can only use those that easily fills up the Power Balance. You need at least 9 Hi-connect here and can use the low PB filler Piccolo so you need to get hit so that the enemy has more of the bar than you then keep blocking until the retreat to charge. Attack them then and they will eventually do a back dash decreasing their energy further so keep at it until they use ut up. Then do Hi connect sending them up continuously as that seems to fill the bar lesser than continuous slamming of the enemy to the ground.
