ジョジョの奇妙な冒険DU 英語吹替版 Billy Kametz and Zach Aguilar Talk Diamond is Unbreakable

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険DU 英語吹替版 Billy Kametz and Zach Aguilar Talk Diamond is Unbreakable

YouTube転載 https://youtu.be/8lrk6Z02xAg 仗助:Billy Kametz康一:Zach Aguilar#00:20 What was the first thing you thought of when you saw Josuke's hair?#01:10 What is your favorite Morioh Town attraction?#01:50 Did you feel any pressure entering the legendary world of JoJo's?#03:10 What did you think of your character in general?#04:29 Was this show as weird as you expected or weirder?#05:59 Billy, you have a reputation for being polite like Josuke. Is there anything that sets you off?#06:34 Zach, have you ever cosplayed?#07:05 Billy, do you enjoy playing the main character?#07:45 Zach, you got an early start as an actor, can you tell us your origin story?#08:24 And now a special message...ジョジョの奇妙な冒険DU 英語吹替版 Blu-ray Official Trailer (第21-39話) → sm36979148 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 英語吹替版 1 mylist/53431584 2 mylist/60008205 3 mylist/67625658 アニメ 英語吹替版 1 mylist/59702387 2 mylist/64553448 うpした動画 1 mylist/45235464 2 mylist/56214846 3 mylist/60873351 4 mylist/65521382
