フェルミのパラドックス 【Eleanor Forte】

フェルミのパラドックス 【Eleanor Forte】

文明层面上的孤独。Loneliness on the scale of civilizations.——————————————————————————Music & lyrics & tuning & art by me.Hi... this is my first time posting on Niconico. I have posted this video a few weeks ago on Youtube & Bilibili, and someone recommended me to post it here. I've been trying to make music in my spare time, and this is technically the second time that I've written a song, but it is the first time that I feel somewhat satisfied about it. (It still sucks though...)Thank you for clicking on this.(I hope I got the tags correct...)——————————————————————————Special thanks to @Owlscillate for giving me helpful advice, please check out their amazing music on youtube.——————————————————————————Software used:Fl studioSynthesizer V Studio Pro (Eleanor Forte R2 Lite)KeynoteiMovieSketchesMusic Visualization Generator (Daniwell)
