New Normal- We are officially wearing masks [5D]

New Normal- We are officially wearing masks [5D]

All information at new normal is a psychological symptom. It is a way we have found to cope with the troubling situations we have been facing since the pandemic started: difficult emotions, professional and financial problems, and companies trying to survive and to thrive in this new scenario.Understanding our behaviors, emotions and psychological reality, as well as other people’s, is fundamental for us to succeed in the complex scenario of the pandemic, and the economic and political crises.Understand how disruption can be positive for your personal development, and for professionals and companies. Understand how normality and morality relate to each other. Take into account controversial topics: social media, polarization, cancelation culture, authoritarianism, violence, protests and hypernormalization. Become familiar with Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology’s perspective.Above all, understand why being yourself, with all your characteristics, is the best way to thrive in this crisis.