【M3-2020秋】Small Emotions【XFD】

【M3-2020秋】Small Emotions【XFD】

===============■「Small Emotions」Above & Bey○ndが大好きな4人が集まり、いまこそ思い出すべき感情をそれぞれで紡ぎ合う。Life is made of SMALL EMOTIONS like these……なんちゃって。===============【Detail】 Teaser Site  https://someones-satellite-006.tumblr.com  Date - 10/25(Sun), 2020 Place - 東京流通センター(TRC)第一展示場 M-04 Expected price - 1000 JPY We're expecting to provide digital data on some Store.【Credit】 Producer:ばらっげ  https://kitakeimusic.wixsite.com/somesate  Designer:黒鷹  https://planeon.work  Illustrator:森ぐる太  https://www.pixiv.net/users/3008999 【Tracks】 [Tr.1] Shion Hinano - Calling you / Singer:Hatsune Miku [Tr.2] Kyothough - Wonder / Singer:Eleanor Forte [Tr.3] ImaginaryDance - Residents of the Same Star / Singer:Hatsune Miku, Sekka Yufu [Tr.4] ばらっげ - Small Emotions / Singer:IA===============
