[Original Song] Identity [Yohioloid]

[Original Song] Identity [Yohioloid]

[Where was I?]Hey hey.Well, I really just managed to finish this up yesterday. Last song of the year!Anyway, I moved house recently. Well, we're actually still moving. But in the process, we found a lot of photo albums, and I realised I couldn't remember a huge chunk of my childhood. I really had some issues just existing back then. I was only ever half in a moment, for my own wellbeing's sake. I hope my childhood self would be happy to see who I am now. I don't think this little song will make much sense to anyone but me, but I hope you like it nonetheless.Mylist: https://www.nicovideo.jp/my/mylist/#/63021132VSQx, Mp3, Lyrics, Instrumental: http://www.mediafire.com/file/i3mwewigcg8srqt/Identity_Pack.rar/fileSoundcloud Upload: https://soundcloud.com/shrinebird/identityYouTube Upload: https://youtu.be/J-Ri6lGPel8My Twitter: https://twitter.com/shrinebird_oto 禁止转载 / 複製禁止 / DO NOT REUPLOAD MY VIDEO TO OTHER WEBSITES
