【Dex & Daina】 The End of the Road 【Vocaloid オリジナル曲】

【Dex & Daina】 The End of the Road 【Vocaloid オリジナル曲】

ORIGINAL UPLOAD DATE: 2 June 2018ORIGINAL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/H3EwAe7mnnsORIGINAL DESCRIPTION (shortened):Sometimes people just have to go, even if we don't want them to...A sad and nostalgic original song I wrote for VocAmerica's second songwriting contest. Unfortunately, I did not place in the songwriting contest, however I am still very pleased with how the song turned out. ^^The concept behind this song is... think of a video game, specifically an RPG. You've recruited a character to join your party to help you complete a quest, but now that quest is complete. That's where this song starts off. I hope you enjoy it. ^^Music, Lyrics, Tuning, Mixing, and Video by me (Biohazard-P)MMD Models by YoiStylePose by ??? (please let me know in the comments. It's from FADE by Circus-P)Font by Axel Lymphos on dafont.comLyrics: https://vocaloidlyrics.fandom.com/wiki/The_End_of_the_Road © Copyright Biohazard-P 2018
