【クローしぬぬ】結んで開いて羅刹と骸 Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro を踊ってみた

【クローしぬぬ】結んで開いて羅刹と骸 Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro を踊ってみた

さよなら、2020!今年は本当に面白いだったね wwww でも、たくさん新しいことも出来る。一つは、このアライアンス~これはしぬぬちゃんと私の始めのダンスです。なんか本当に難しいだった!!この日雨だったし、草にもめっちゃ踊る憎いだった、「ダメだよ、これ!!」を叫びたい…まあー最後に大丈夫です。いい感じ!それでは、ありがとうございました、皆さん!来年からもよろしくお願いいたします~Goodbye, 2020! This year's been interesting, hasn't it? (lol) That said, many new things happened this year for me, one of them being this partnership with Shinunu! This was our first choreo together, and we have more planned! Wonder what we'll do for Valentine's?! This was really difficult to do though, since it rained on filming day and the grass was super hard to dance on... I JUST WANTED TO GIVE UP....Well, it turned out fine though. I have a good feeling about this video!Thank you, everyone, for this year of support! Here's to more fun together in the next, too!音源本家:  sm7550182 振付本家:  sm22468951 撮影: HS編集: しぬぬ【しぬぬ】 https://www.facebook.com/shinununyoom 【Twitter】クロー: @_risefalcon
