Keep Your Water Safe With Water Testing And Water Filters

Keep Your Water Safe With Water Testing And Water Filters

Keep Your Water Safe With Water Testing & Water Filters Filters Types To Choose FromYour tap water contains a number of chemicals such as volatile organic chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride and endocrine disrupting chemicals. It’s important to have your water tested, but you can also remove these unwanted chemicals using a water filter, and here are the different types of water filters to choose:Pitcher water filters: Granulated Activated Charcoal is used to get rid of unwanted chemicals. These types of filter setups require a lot of refilling, but the positive is the inexpensive price. They remove chlorine very well, however other chemicals such as volatile organic ones will still be present.Reverse osmosis: unwanted chemicals are removed from the water via a membrane. MD Mold TestingAddress: 4014 Fox Valley Dr, Rockville, MD 20853Phone: (301) 717-1454Website: