♫King♫[鬼] (ホロライブ 百鬼あやめ x にじさんじ 竜胆尊 連吟) Kanariaさん (MeowingtonsPhDj Short Edit)

♫King♫[鬼] (ホロライブ 百鬼あやめ x にじさんじ 竜胆尊 連吟) Kanariaさん (MeowingtonsPhDj Short Edit)

鬼----本家様:Kanaria様 https://youtu.be/cm-l2h6GB8Q+++Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ #ホロライブちゃねる: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fk0CB07ly8oSl0aqKkqFgOriginal Audio Source: https://youtu.be/jHd7SPreuAQ?t=3870Illustration: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86064946+++ 竜胆 尊 / Rindou Mikoto - #Nijisanji #にじさんじちゃねる: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPvGypSgfDkVe7JG2KygK7AOriginal Audio Source: https://youtu.be/YWalWiz-Nqw?t=2881Illustration: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84439751+++MeowingtonsPhDj, Editing, Mixing, Arrangement.+++Would actually be interested in seeing a collab between these two. Figured this would be an interesting duet purely off of theme. Their voices are interestingly similar in many senses but not enough where I wouldn't be able to tell the difference when at the same time. Tried more techniques, so there will be still more variances going forward, but I'm getting more used to the tools on hand!-----Twitter: @MeowingtonsD | Twitch: Twitch.MeowingtonsPhDj.comYouTube: YouTube.MeowingtonsPhDj.com |  ニコニコ動画: NicoNico.MeowingtonsPhDj.com
