【 MMDあんスタ 】 ELECT 【 月永レオ誕生祭2021 】

【 MMDあんスタ 】 ELECT 【 月永レオ誕生祭2021 】

「 ありがとう ~ ♪おれが生まれたこの日を祈って一曲書くぞ……☆」I've been kind of inactive with being busy with work and kind of having a roadblock of what to do next with videos 「(゚ペ) So kind of put me in a bit of a stalemate, but I think after taking a break and indulging around I'm back at it ! And this time I've come back with a quick small video for Leo's birthday ☆ It's hard to believe he's really growing up now TT Nothing special in this video really, just wanted to see him in this kind of style of video and it was fun to make as well www Happy beautiful birthday Leo ❤ All materials used in video will be linked in tree !お気軽にタグを修正してください!ありがとう( ´ ▽ ` )ノ※無断転載禁止/Reprint of this video is prohibited.
