-45 - 牢獄STRIP (Prison Strip) [Jazzy Remix]

-45 - 牢獄STRIP (Prison Strip) [Jazzy Remix]

"No matter how impressive this magic of yours is, my soul won't yield to you! You think this is torture for me? You're wrong!! This is torture for you!!"♬ Hear on...↪ SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/scramel/our-prison ↪ Bandcamp: https://scramel.bandcamp.com/track/our-prison* If you want to support my work, please share it with your friends and consider purchasing my music via Bandcamp or joining my patreon. Thank your for listening!♬ Patreon! ↪ https://www.patreon.com/scramel ♬ lightRefractor Vol.1, a compilation of Umineko remixes, is out!↪ https://scramel.fanlink.to/lightrefractor-vol-1 ♬ Follow Me!↪ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3d2oC_tquc8RjHdCX-kgVA ↪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/scramelworks ↪ SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/scramel ↪ Bandcamp: https://scramel.bandcamp.com ♬ Follow -45!↪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/yoshikawa45 ↪ SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/yoshikawa45 ↪ Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1374708 ▼ Artwork: Our Prison. by: gativ0↪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/gativ0 ↪ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gativ0
