【望音憂】piece of world【オリジナル曲】

【望音憂】piece of world【オリジナル曲】

hello! lotusleaf here. ^-^i just wanted to say thank you to eva-san, rifia-san for collaborating with me and making such a wholesome song!back then when i was always wishing if someday ui has her own original song, and it came true!im also going to thank abu for designing ui's alternative design, its really cute <3i hope you like the song as much as i do! have a nice day~作詞:evaP&rifia作曲:evaP Twitter→@yamamao2012 最新ボカロ曲など( mylist/63369183 )最新MIXなど( mylist/63369177 )調声:rifia mylist/49446888  Twitter→@rifia0sイラスト動画:lotusleaf氏 Twitter→@_hspnd ( mylist/69037641 )~望音憂のご紹介~HP: https://l0tusleaf.wixsite.com/ui-mochionyoutubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6MXI-IOauM
