家族で時事放談w 360日 【土地の抵当権手続きと登記委任手続き】渋谷で打ち合わせ【バンカー、司法書士、RE営業、フィナンシャルプランナー】

家族で時事放談w 360日 【土地の抵当権手続きと登記委任手続き】渋谷で打ち合わせ【バンカー、司法書士、RE営業、フィナンシャルプランナー】

Current affairs talks with family w 358 days [Important land survey / regulation bill] A bill to take measures against land acquisition, which is important for security, was passed with foreign capital (mainly China and South Korea) in mind. [Stated opposition from the Japan Federation of Bar Associations due to concerns about infringement of private rights and public surveillance]
