Bake a saury in a circle秋刀魚を円形に焼く

Bake a saury in a circle秋刀魚を円形に焼く

季節は秋 火遊びでもしたいなと秋刀魚を焼く事にしました。天気は雨☔️で薪もしけって条件は最悪しかし秋刀魚のほうがもっと最悪目をえぐられ尾っぽ突き刺し円形にされ焼かれる姿かわいそ。そんな事はお構いなしにパチパチと音をたてて焼かれる秋刀魚。一番美味いのは黒焦げ炭になる手前、脂が落ちて燃えるその煙が香りを増し香ばしく焼き上げる。炎は気持ちを落ち着かせる安定剤ですぜひご覧ください。I decided to bake saury because I wanted to play with fire in the autumn season. The weather is rainy☔️, and the conditions are the worst because of firewood, but I feel sorry that the saury is cuter with the worst eyes and stabbed into a round tail. A saury that is grilled with a crackling sound without worrying about such a thing. The most delicious thing is before it becomes black burnt charcoal, and the smoke that falls fat and burns increases the fragrance and is baked fragrantly. Flame is a stabilizer that calms you down. Please take a look.