【東方ボイスドラマ】宇佐見菫子と博麗霊夢の愉快なクッキー☆漫才 女版MMD.ver (NO subtitle)

【東方ボイスドラマ】宇佐見菫子と博麗霊夢の愉快なクッキー☆漫才 女版MMD.ver (NO subtitle)

Organizer:國產萬豪頓 and cc86541022Editing:cc86541022 Illustrator:三十一,白渣无双,士官长终结博麗 霊夢:泽理十一宇佐見 菫子:常风"第一回中華特有曲奇拝年祭で女版が登場した。こちらは男版と内容が若干異なる。"Yes, and this is the version the wiki just mentioned.相声☆ is a drama planned by 国产万豪顿 at the end of 2017. It is inspired by 东方M-1漫才. The video is divided into two versions for Live2D and MMD. The division of editions is determined in consideration of the acceptance of male voice actors(士官长终结 and me). The Live2D version in 2018 was made by 国产万豪顿 in the form of live2D animation, and the MMD version was made by cc86541022 in MMD. Considering the problem of visual repetition, the production of the MMD version refers to some more nonsense materials, hoping to make an effect to be different. I have to say I lost the all borrow lists of these videos so apologise and thanks for all the creators' materials.Also, I have to mention it is the model problem. The video was completed before the ban of the Reimu model. So I don't know what to say but again a apologise.Thanks for all kinds of support and hope you enjoy the video.
