The Brave Express Might Gaine op - 嵐の勇者 [DANDAN]

The Brave Express Might Gaine op - 嵐の勇者 [DANDAN]

DanDanEMAIL: [email protected] 〓 Project ▷ DANDAN〓 Vocal ▷ DANDAN〓 Song Title ▷(嵐の勇者)〓 Original Artist ▷ The Brave Express Might Gaine〓 Anime ▷ The Brave Express Might GaineHello, I'm Dan Dan, a singing office worker.I prepared an OP song by a The Brave Express Might GaineFor those who are watching,To burn my heart.We did our best to prepare this.Please enjoy listening to it.Please subscribe and like.Thank you.Let's go stage ~