Sleep in Winter ft. Miku Hatsune [Original]

Sleep in Winter ft. Miku Hatsune [Original]*Wakey wakey Sleepy Head*With this I draw my 2021 to a close.It was a year, wasn’t it? Filled with so many different high and low points, but the one constant for me that existed no matter what was going on was music and in a large portion of that music was this voice and many others that help me express my very human emotions. I’m sure that is the case for a lot of people that create “Their” sound for everyone to hear. And even if no one hears or cares to listen we know that the voices that sung our creation, our feelings, our words listened to every bit of it and for many… that’s all they need.I look forward to going into the future with all of you, it going to be different… I can’t tell you what or how its going to be different but I know it won’t be like yesterday but regardless of the shifting times,This voice and all the other in the same vein will be here to sing every emotion under the sun for us.Miku model HC: you guys’ next yearalso from MY Miku… “I’m so glad you all listen to our voice”