5/18/2022 Miles Guo live

5/18/2022 Miles Guo live

5/18/2022 Miles Guo: Steve Wynn's case will expose all those who have been colluding with the CCP in the US and the CCP's pawns and spies lurking in the US. Wynn's case involves both President Trump and President Biden, and there will be a fierce struggle between the two parties. However, the two parties will work together to pass legislation to uncover all the CCP spies and bad actors, go all out to take down the CCP, and recognize the New Federal State of China.5/18/2022 文贵直播:史蒂夫·永利的案子将挖出所有在美国跟中共勾兑的人以及中共潜伏在美国的伪类和间谍,永利案涉及川普和拜登两任总统,两党将大打出手,但两党最终将共同立法以挖出中共的所有的奸细、全力灭共并承认新中国联邦!
