朗読 「昆虫図」 久生十蘭

朗読 「昆虫図」 久生十蘭

朗読 「昆虫図」 久生十蘭 青木は貧乏画家。隣に住んでいる同じく絵描きの伴と交流がある。 ある日旅行から帰って久々に伴を訪ねると、一緒に住んでいたはずの伴の細君の姿が消えている。 そして伴の部屋の壁や天井には一面に銀蠅が……Reading "Insects" by Juran Hisao Aoki is a poor painter. He has been in touch with Ban, another painter who lives next door. One day, when he returns from a trip and visits Ban for the first time in a while, he finds that Ban's wife, who was supposed to be living with him, has disappeared. And there are silver flies all over the walls and ceiling of Ban's room.
