朗読 「日記帳」 江戸川乱歩

朗読 「日記帳」 江戸川乱歩

朗読 「日記帳」 江戸川乱歩 弟が病気で亡くなった。 兄は弟の書斎で物思いにふけっていた。 ふと、弟の日記帳が気になった。その文章からは内気で引きこもりがちだった弟のことがよく伝わってくる。きっと恋も知らずにこの世を去ったに違いない。 しかしページを捲るうち一人の女性の名前が出てきて兄は驚く。 それは北川雪枝という名前の遠縁の娘だった。Reading "Diary Book" by Rampo Edogawa A younger brother died of illness. The elder brother was pensive in his brother's study. Suddenly, he became interested in his brother's diary. The diary entries conveyed a lot about his brother, who tended to be shy and withdrawn. He must have left this world without ever having known love. However, as he turned the pages, he was surprised to see the name of a woman. It was a distant relative named Yukie Kitagawa.Translated
