【18thオリジナル曲/MV】YSS - fragment(Official MV)【Vtuber】[#YSS_VRC]

【18thオリジナル曲/MV】YSS - fragment(Official MV)【Vtuber】[#YSS_VRC]

□MV撮影ワールド(VRChat)□□✨『Deluce』by Fins『metamphetamine』by Mech-Are-Nick『BirdCage』by kagamiiiiin『blend in the wind』by rakurai5『The AfterDark Arcade』by Coffeepot『Music Stellar Lake』by m1chie『Waves』by Mochie『Just Graffiti Street!』 by nyakome 『VoN˸ Eternal Seas』by datguyfelix『VoN˸ Fragmented Love & Memory』by datguyfelix『星が降る夜に。』 by PhysisKITE『You are alone at the trainstation‚ all trains were canceled due to bad weather conditions』 by imbilioo『Rainy evening』by オーゼンOzen『Within』by PhysisKITE『AW Studio』 by akiho_watanabe『Jacob's Stairs』 by PhysisKITE 『District Roboto』by Fins『海底の秘密部屋-The Underwater Secret Room』by ʚCubeɞ 『Night Baroque Cathedral』by OPCherry『AfterMath』by guntamix『Funwari Sogen․Night』By knfoxl『Ozen 10˸30』by オーゼンOzen
