【 MMDあんスタ 】 Sweet Sweet Cendrillon Drug 【 月永レオ + Knights 】

【 MMDあんスタ 】 Sweet Sweet Cendrillon Drug 【 月永レオ + Knights 】

「 悲しみに触れないように 戻れない覚悟で 」※ WARNING: Rapid Flashing & Movements ☆ ・ 。・。☆ ☆ ・ 。・。☆(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I've been so excited to release this video that I'm actually on time this year www ! Wanted to try a different approach as this isn't the kind of usual video you'd find for celebrating someone return right www ? The song has been on my mind, and I was finally able to get around to making it how I wanted it to be, so I'm quite found of this video (´∀`)♡I also used 周平 cover of Sweet Sweet Cendrillonso please go listen and support them too !↓ ↓ ↓ sm18329486 The materials I browed for the logo~・祭屋暦さん https://bit.ly/3TOoIni ・繭さん https://bit.ly/3TLPAEm ・せさみんさん https://bit.ly/3etHEaq ・SHODA Masumiさん https://bit.ly/3KQ8Ps8All materials used in video will be linked in tree !お気軽にタグを修正してください!ありがとう( ´ ▽ ` )ノ※無断転載禁止/Reprint of this video is prohibited.※動画には敬称略がありません。
