Thriller ft. ペイトン 【OpenUTAU カバー】

Thriller ft. ペイトン 【OpenUTAU カバー】

I thought of making this cover before last Halloween, but I didn't have enough time to get it done then, so I saved my idea for this year! I spent a good amount of time making the SVP and USTX, but I spent very little time on the visuals, as you can probably tell.I tried something new for this cover and I initially made a Synthesizer V AI voice (in this case Kevin) sing it and then I converted the SVP to a USTX so I could use the AI-generated tuning. It's not perfect, and I did have to do many manual tweaks, but I think it turned out nicely overall, and it was a neat experiment.Thriller is written and composed by Rod TempertonProduced by Quincy JonesPerformed by Michael JacksonThe base MIDI file was found for free online (I'm sorry, I don't remember which one I used)Tuning was done by me (Biohazard-P) and by Synthesizer V AIVocal mixing by me (Biohazard-P)Voicebank used is ペイトン・マカロン「英語」音源v.2.12Peiton artwork by peYtonPeiton is voiced and managed by peYton upload: