ForYourChildhood - Ad Hoc Hypothesis (Vocal. IA [CeVIO AI])

ForYourChildhood - Ad Hoc Hypothesis (Vocal. IA [CeVIO AI])

/*** Title ***/Ad Hoc Hypothesis (Vocal. IA [CeVIO AI])/*** Author ***/ForYourChildhood/*** Vocal ***/IA [CeVIO AI]I refer to the following guideline.*** Genre ***/Electronic/*** Style ***/Techno/*** Lyric [Japanese] ***/奇跡は起きないこの物語どうやって結末迎えるつもり?/*** Lyric [English Translation] ***/There is no miracle in this storyHow do you intend to end up?/*** Release History ***/2022/08/07(JST):ver.1.0:Initial version release at soundcloud2022/11/02(JST):ver.1.0:Initial version release at youtube2022/11/02(JST):ver.1.0:Initial version release at niconico