【 MMDあんスタ 】 極楽浄土 【 Knights 】

【 MMDあんスタ 】 極楽浄土 【 Knights 】

「 美しく咲く花もいつか散りゆくもの 」☆ ・ 。・。☆ ☆ ・ 。・。☆It's finally here ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ !!I've been so excited to upload this video, but didn't have quite the full time to completed the video till now ! This motion has been sitting forever in my collection and was the first motion that made me stumble into MMD wwww It's a bit late to the bandwagon, but I've been waiting for the right time to be able to use Knights with this motion (´∀`)♡Do enjoy ~ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈All materials used in video will be linked in tree !お気軽にタグを修正してください!ありがとう( ´ ▽ ` )ノ※無断転載禁止/Reprint of this video is prohibited.
