【かのん】SnowMix♪ 踊ってみた【SNOW MIKU 2023】

【かのん】SnowMix♪ 踊ってみた【SNOW MIKU 2023】

楽曲本家様:まらしぃ sm41540170 SnowMix♪ / まらしぃ feat. 初音ミク【SNOW MIKU 2023】 振付本家様:まぁり sm41551161 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bc8s44orzII'm sorry that I started to learn the choreography too late that I could not remember all the movements very well. But I love the choreography so much!!! Yeah I finally uploud this before spring~ And this is the first video with my new hair color~
