【ACE Studio カバー】EYE【Bianca】

【ACE Studio カバー】EYE【Bianca】

ACE Studioがパブリックベータ版(英語と日本語に対応!)を発表したので、もちろん試してみました。Biancaの声、意外とすごく好きなんです。ミキシングが悪くてすみません、急ぎましたww☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆Well ACE Studio came out in with a public beta (that supports English and Japanese!) so of course I had to try it out. I like Bianca's voice a lot, it's surprisingly really nice.Sorry the mixing is really bad, the cover was made quickly since I wanted to try it out.☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆★オリジナル曲:Kanaria★ 歌い手:Bianca♥ Original song: Kanaria♥ Singers: Bianca
