【 MMDあんスタ 】 TOXIC【 月永レオ 】

【 MMDあんスタ 】 TOXIC【 月永レオ 】

「 Do you feel me now ? 」☆ ・ 。・。☆ ☆ ・ 。・。☆(ノ ゜▽゜)Long time no see indeed wwwwwI apologize for the lack of videos and such as I've just been busy overall these past months ~. Hoping that I can start to go back into making more videos now as everything has calmed down once more. Starting to look at the calendar realizing a certain special date is rapidly approaching (゚ Д゚ ) So I might be working on another project www But in the meantime, I've been wanting to use this motion with Leo for the longest and here I am (*´▽`*)┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈All materials used in video will be linked in tree !お気軽にタグを修正してください!ありがとう( ´ ▽ ` )ノ※無断転載禁止/Reprint of this video is prohibited.
