

前→ sm42767841  次→ sm42954399   mylist/73324857 動画制作感想→im11286551【東方Projectの二次創作ガイドライン】Touhou Project secondary creation Guideline https://touhou-project.news/guideline/ みんなが手を取り 力を合わせ天に伸ばした石の橋猿と亀とカワウソたちがそうはさせぬと立ちはだかる積んでは 崩され エンドレスクラゲの石積み ここに決着!!!Let's all join hands and join forcesstone bridge reaching to the skyBut monkeys, turtles, and otters get in the way.The stones we had piled up were shattered and felt like they would last forever.The jellyfish masonry has finally been decided! ! ![ 支援もできます ] You can support me.Fanbox → https://ninoseyasunori.fanbox.cc/ [ BGM ]【東方アレンジ / Rock】緋想曲【有頂天変】 パンマン 様 sm32664360
