YOHO(養蜂)/ Xiaoreko feat. Ninezero

YOHO(養蜂)/ Xiaoreko feat. Ninezero

袁術が養蜂家として転生したらハッピーかもしれないと思って今際の際に見た夢はきっとこうだろうと作りました。三国志でははちみつ好きとして知られる袁術ですが、残念ながらあまり人望も徳もなくあれこれやっていたものの、やがて呂布や曹操にも負け袁紹のもとに向かう途中飢渇し「はちみつほしい」と言ったら「そんなものはない」と返され絶望の中病気で亡くなったとか(超省略)Music & Lyrics: XiaorekoMovie: XiaorekoVocal: Ninezero (Synthesizer V AI)Lyrics:Ah honey, chill with beesmy life is happy because Yo HoMore honey! Fill me inalive joy growsbecause Yo HoAh honey, feel cheeryhive's lucky because Yo HoSmells honey, chill out memy life is dreamybecause Yo HoThe key's in my hand, come take a diveWhy don't you try my honeyyou'll come aliveTalk of the town, everyone wants a tasteCome on, don't wasteThis is the song that Power reincarnated me as a beekeeperSeeking honey, but I can'tOne hot summer daySeeking honey, but I can'tThere is not even waterWhen the honey turns to tar, I'll just let it beMy soul and heart, painted black, falls into the void, so far.So, I had a rebirth, now I'm a honey expert on EarthChasing dreams, no time for slippin'YO HO
