

参考にさせて頂いたパイオニア版の先駆者様はこちら https://note.com/8844gg/n/n0b060a1124af アリーナにも早く白日来ないかなぁ…Deck1 Scapeshift (M19) 2014 Blooming Marsh (KLR) 2801 Splendid Reclamation (SIR) 2164 Beseech the Mirror (WOE) 821 Swamp (THB) 2524 Assemble the Team (Y23) 171 Approach of the Second Sun (STA) 11 Forest (THB) 2544 Arboreal Grazer (WAR) 1494 Kami of Bamboo Groves (Y22) 242 Fatal Push (KLR) 843 Chromatic Star (BRR) 112 Lotus Field (M20) 2492 Trial of Ambition (AKR) 1302 Deadly Dispute (AFR) 944 Darkmoss Bridge (MH2) 2452 Mystic Sanctuary (ELD) 2474 Llanowar Wastes (BRO) 2644 Nurturing Peatland (MH1) 2434 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 2534 Spelunking (LCI) 2132 Thoughtseize (AKR) 127使用させていただいた素材(敬称略)【BGM/効果音】Under line:Make a field MusicDESIRE:煉獄庭園RUSTED BASH:煉獄庭園OtoLogic【読み上げ音声】VOICEVOX:四国めたん立ち絵素材:猫乃
