

前→ sm42954399  次→12/13  mylist/73324857 動画制作感想→im11314046【東方Projectの二次創作ガイドライン】Touhou Project secondary creation Guideline https://touhou-project.news/guideline/ 今が好機と猿の網が迫る宝玉の力で狛犬となった巫女のピンチを救う真の狛犬ところで妖怪犬の出番はまだですか?大丈夫、次回はきっと出てくるよNow is the time of opportunity and the monkey's net is closing in.The shrine maiden, who became a guardian dog with the power of a jewel, is in trouble. The true guardian dog, protecting the shrine maidenBy the way, has the cursed dog appeared yet?Don't worry, it will appear in the next episode.[ 支援もできます ] You can support me.Fanbox → https://ninoseyasunori.fanbox.cc/ [ BGM ]【東方自作アレンジ/Trance】Astride(2022 Remake)【牛に引かれて善光寺参り】  Minorti / Antipole Sounds 様 sm40897680
